Where Faith and Life Meet


I explore the intersections of faith and life,—those places along the journey where we experience the push and pull of the meaning we yearn for, the demands we face, and the opportunities we have. I believe that it’s possible for us to live wisely, joyfully, and effectively as we navigate the contrast between our world as it is and as it could be and the creative tension between who we are and who we’re becoming.

I trust that Love is the source, center, and goal of life: we’re here to learn that we—all of us—are beloved children of God. Genuine justice, tender mercy, and authentic peace flow from embodying and enacting that awareness.

In my writing and speaking, I offer what I’m learning on my own journey, and, in my work as a companion-guide, I walk alongside people and groups as they continue to learn from theirs.

In my writing, speaking and consulting, I explore the dynamics of a flourishing life, think about hard ethical issues, and reflect on how to align our practices with our values.

– Guy Sayles

My Writing Blog

Follow Along

Silent, Barren Saturday

Good Friday. Holy Saturday. Resurrection Sunday. This sacred seventh day, this barren Sabbath, suspends us between Jesus’ cry of dereliction on Friday afternoon—“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”—and the angels’ astonishing announcement at dawn on Sunday —“He...

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Calling Continues

On an early spring Sunday afternoon when I was eight years old, I walked the short distance from my family’s home to the home of our pastor, Ken Haag. I was often there, usually to see my friend, Tony; but, that day, I wanted to talk with Brother Ken. To use the...

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Living While Dying

Ten years ago this month, I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, an incurable but increasingly manageable cancer of the bone marrow and blood. At diagnosis, the median survival rate was about five years, so I’ve lived far longer than I then had reason to think I...

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