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Making an Idol of Trauma?

Cancer has changed—is changing—me in, I imagine, the ways that a variety of life-limiting, life-diminishing, and life-threatening experiences change other people.When, 3½ years ago, my oncologist confirmed that I have Multiple Myeloma (MM), I began a relationship with...

The Music’s Got to Come Out

“Many people die with their music still in them.” I first heard that phrase more than forty years ago from one of my teachers. It registered with me as profoundly true. I haven’t always played my music.I’ve had stretches of time in which I played other...

A Workaholic in Recovery

“I’m Guy, and I’m a workaholic.”That’s the way I’d introduce myself if there were a W.A. 12-Step Group (maybe there is!).I’ve written and talked about the amazing gift of Sabbath, about the importance of a sustaining rhythm of engagement and disengagement, about the...

Not Passing the Buck

It’s well-known that President Harry Truman had a sign on his desk which read, “The Buck Stops Here.” It was the haberdasher from Missouri’s way to describe a crucial quality of all effective leaders: they shoulder, not shirk, their responsibilities.Leaders make tough...

Ministry in the Meantime and the Mean Time

This post originally appeared on the Center for Healthy Churches website on June 27, 2017.Ministry happens in the meantime and in the mean time.The meantime is a season of sometimes bewildering change and troubling transitions. It’s an interval between a past we know...


I rarely watch a movie a second time or tune-in to reruns of television shows, not even the ones I’ve really enjoyed or have made a significant impression on me. Exceptions have been: The Wizard of Oz, the first movie by which I was mesmerized into enchantment; It’s a...