by Guy Sayles | Apr 14, 2018 |
I get confused about limits. I place them where they’re not necessary and ignore them where they matter.On the one hand, I needlessly limit the range of my imagination, the breadth of my curiosity, the reach of my compassion, and the scale of my hope. On...
by Guy Sayles | Apr 3, 2018 |
This past Good Friday and Holy Saturday, I received the manifold gifts of worship at All Souls Cathedral. I longed for the liturgies of those days to enfold, unsettle, guide, and, ultimately, gladden me. They did. I needed to be in a community of seekers, of...
by Guy Sayles | Mar 24, 2018 |
I’ve not written much lately, and a few of you have asked, “Are you okay? We haven’t heard from you in a while.”The easiest explanation is that time has been scarce. Teaching at the university, serving as Transitional Pastor at a local church, and working on a few...
by Guy Sayles | Feb 25, 2018 |
The season of Lent became more deeply significant to me in 2014.Most folks who read my reflections know that, on Ash Wednesday of that year (March 5), I began treatment for recently-diagnosed Multiple Myeloma. The insidious cancer itself, the powerful drugs I’ve taken...
by Guy Sayles | Jan 26, 2018 |
Character is the primary arena of change. We can’t change the DNA we inherited, the circumstances into which we were born, or the families which shaped and misshaped us, or the wounding events we’ve undergone. Some things about our bodies, temperaments, and minds are...
by Guy Sayles | Jan 21, 2018 |
(This is longer than my usual posts; if I had time, I would make it shorter!)Change is possible, but not if we try to do it on our own.In an earlier post, I identified some of the factors which combine to make change more likely:emotional-spiritual energy from beyond...
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