A (Kind of) Liminal Week

By a quirk and gift of the calendar, this year is one of those comparatively rare ones in which there is a week in-between the Sunday after Thanksgiving and the First Sunday of Advent. That extra week doesn’t eliminate but it does temper just a bit the scrambling...

Grateful for a God Who is Joyful Love

Among the many gifts for which I am grateful this Thanksgiving season is the simple, lifesaving, and life-changing truth that God really is love. I have known that glad affirmation from childhood on but integrating it into my heart and experiencing its power to heal...

The Tug of the Invisible

When Amanda and Eliot were young, we’d often fly a kite on Easter afternoon. After lunch, I’d feel groggy from the busy and glad morning of worship leadership, but the kids would be amped-up on chocolate bunnies, peanut-butter cup eggs, and jelly- beans. I’d want to...


Photo by Reign Abarintos on Unsplash Recently, when quiet enough to listen, I’ve heard whispered the word gentle. The whispers have become a beckoning to explore how to be gentler in my relationships with creation, others, and myself. Gentle has a checkered history in...

On Not Losing Heart

It had been one of “those” Sundays: the sermon misfired, the choir was off-key, the chair of deacons mentioned a member who complained she didn’t get a visit when she was in the hospital, someone slipped a critical anonymous note under the office door, and the roof...

I don’t get it

I’m a flawed follower of Jesus. I’m aware of gaps between what he teaches and how I live. There’s distance between his vision of the world as God means it to be and the world that my ego insists upon. In other words, I’m a sinner. To paraphrase the confession I pray...