by Guy Sayles | Oct 21, 2018 |
What follow is the manuscript of a sermon I gave at All Soul’s Episcopal Cathedral in Asheville today. It was such a gift to be back with my friends in that vibrant faith-community. When I say leader, what images flash across your mind? For me, the word...
by Guy Sayles | Oct 9, 2018 |
I often talk with my students about the importance of their having grit and a growth mindset, qualities which researchers Angela Duckworth (Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance ) and Carol Dweck (Mindset: The New Psychology of Success) tell us are crucial for...
by Guy Sayles | Sep 23, 2018 |
I don’t know . . . These days, that’s how many of my sentences begin. I don’t know how threatened I should feel by the steady resurgence of Multiple Myeloma (“Frank”) in my bone marrow and blood, or when to begin treatment, or how much more my energy will diminish. I...
by Guy Sayles | Aug 28, 2018 |
Many readers of my blog know that, in early 2014, I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, a currently incurable but increasingly treatable cancer of the bone marrow and blood. Early on, to help me communicate with others about this cancer and also to give me a way of...
by Guy Sayles | Aug 25, 2018 |
My fourth year at Mars Hill University is underway; and, while my role is “teacher,” I’m often, and gratefully, a learner. My colleagues enrich my life with their diverse interests. It’s such a gift to be in a community where I encounter artists, zoologists,...
by Guy Sayles | Aug 10, 2018 |
“Didn’t you used to be Guy Sayles?” That’s what a fellow asked as I waited behind him in the checkout line at Ingles. When he realized what he’d said, he flushed red and apologized: “I’m so sorry. I meant, ‘Aren’t you Guy Sayles and didn’t you used to be pastor at...
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